Create a Instagram Bio landing page with WordPress

I started a while ago, to use my WordPress blog to give further information on my musical projects to followers of my social media profiles by linking from my Instagram bio to the category „Music“ of my blog.

Well, this was ok, but in the end, I was not overwhelmed by the user experience, this provided. Interested followers had to scroll over several posts, which made it clumsy to allow them to quickly access multiple external content offers. State-of-the-art services like are successful due to providing a highly accessible page that enables users to quickly catch up with artist news and offers and to easily navigate through. Well, I wanted this, too.

Having that said, I decided to not go with additional external services. My trusty WordPress site with Twenty Twenty theme should be sufficient to provide a similar feature out of my hands and not the hands of a third party. So I dug into the web and finally compiled a lot of hints and resources together to enable my feature. Here’s what you will want to do, if you intend to provide a similar service on your WordPress installation with theme Twenty Twenty:

How to do it

First step is to create a page that will be used as the landing page. Give it a title, in my case „helixrider news“. Although this title will not be visible to the user, it gives more convenience to identify the page in the WP backend and, if you are using titles in links, it will help with SEO.

Add the entries as block-types „Button“ with style option „fill“. This will not look too good in the WP editor, as the Twenty Twenty theme does not allow setting fixed width (like 100%) – we will handle this later.

Example page in WordPress Editor

Once you saved this page, take a note of the page ID, we will use this in the next step. In my case, it is 1236, you will find it in the URL while editing:

Note the page ID while editing

Second and last step is to reformat output of this one page. My idea was to divert from the Twenty Twenty standard by applying the following:
– Set the buttons to full content width.
– Hide the page Header.
– Hide the page Title (I am using only my logo instead).
– Hide the page Footer.

This will be achieved by giving some customized CSS code. By doing it via the WordPress backend’s Configurator, you won’t mess with the theme and will (hopefully…) stay upgrade-compatible.

Go into Design – Themes – Configurator and select „Additional CSS“. Copy the following lines into the text field, and remember to change the page-ID-tag (.page-id-xyz) to the ID you took note of above:

.wp-block-button {
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
.wp-block-button__link {
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
.page-id-1236 .entry-title {
.page-id-1236 .entry-header {
.page-id-1236 .header-inner {
.page-id-1236 .footer-inner {

Save this and give your newly created page a reload and you see the changes.

If you store the link to this page in your Instagram bio, you will be getting something like this – for me this looks like mission accomplished! 😉

Hopefully this can help you in creating your own landing pages for your social accounts and reducing dependency to other 3rd party services.

Ans Licht

Today is a very special day, as not only my album Meanders has been released, I am also very proud to announce my collaboration with Kay Emmess!

I did an Edit of his brilliant song „Ans Licht“ („To the light“) that drove the catchy melodic lines to an eternal trance hype phase.

Check out Kay Emmess awesome work on his Bandcamp account.

Hopefully, you enjoy this track! It will be released on all major digital platforms on November, 20th. If you like to, you can give it a pre-listen on my Bandcamp site.

Two track „We Stumble EP“ has been released

Digging deeper, this time. The multiple times restructured, mutated and re-compiled voice sample builds a strong and intimate basis for the post-acid, psychedelic musical outburst.

The lyrics evolve by reusing single words and rearranging them to give the original statement new and different meaning:

They were told that it wouldn’t hurt, I proved them wrong.
I told them, they wouldn’t hurt.
They told them, I wouldn’t hurt.
They told them, I wouldn’t hurt. They were wrong.
I told them, they were wrong.
They told them wrong.
I proved them, they were wrong.
I proved them wrong.

I hurt.
I hurt them.
I hurt them.
I hurt them.

They were wrong.

You can find this two track EP with the post-acid, progressive-house Original Mix and the vocals focussed Wrong Edit on all major streaming and music download platforms and on my Bandcamp site. Here are some links, I will update them as the release is published on different services.




  1. We Stumble  –
  2. We Stumble (Wrong Edit) –



Apple Music / iTunes:

Google Play Music:



New track „See The Stars“ out now!

I recently bought this little drum machine beast, the Korg Volca Drum. I really enjoy jamming around with it, as it delivers deep sound creation functionality together with an easy comprehensible, Korg-Electribe-style sequencer.

So why not create a complete track from the 6-pattern device, I thought? Four patterns for the drums and percussions and two for constantly changing sounds based on the profound sound of the box should be a good basis for a minimal techno, house track.

Good idea, as I had a lot of fun jamming around, creating the flow and playing with the Volca Drum. Everything has been played live in one take, out-of-the-box, the only two additions are a guitar pedal that was used for additional delay effects and a little bit of multi-band compressor added in Ableton Live 10.

I hope you enjoy this track, too. 😉

You can find it on all major streaming and music download platforms and on my Bandcamp site. Here are some links:




Apple Music:


Google Play Music:



Ausflug zum Bodensee

In den Herbstferien waren wir ein paar Tage am Bodensee unterwegs. Ausgehend von Überlingen besuchten wir auch Konstanz und Lindau, unten ein paar Impressionen.

Im Herbst ist die Region definitiv einen Besuch wert!

P.S.: Absoluter Café-Tipp für Lindau: 37 Grad, aktueller auf Facebook.

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Nach der Tagung…

…passt eine kleine Tagesauslaufrunde eigentlich immer 😉

Was für eine herrliche Aussicht von der Burg Tannenberg!



Der neue Mystery-Typ von Groundspeak: Verschleierte E-Mail-Notifications

Die Notification-Mails der letzten Jahre waren designmäßig sehr „unauffällig“ (um charmant zu bleiben), funktional aber klasse. Schon aus dem Betreff der Mail konnte man direkt erkennen, um welche Aktion, welchen Cache und bei Bedarf Cacher es sich handelte:

[GEO] Notify: Dr. Zarkov published Alarm Alarm – Lockpicking (Unknown Cache)

[LOG] Watchlist: helixrider found Whatever (Unknown Cache)

Jetzt hat man in Seattle offensichtlich eine hippe Designschmiede rangelassen, die der spröden Textnachricht mit klarem Titel ein neues, ansprechenderes Outfit verpasste, allerdings für meinen Geschmack dabei die Nutzbarkeit etwas aus den Augen verlor… Ich finde, die Titel sind zu lange. Auf meinem Smartphone werden sie noch vor den relevanten Informationen abgebrochen. Und warum gibt es die Schlüsselworte in den eckigen Klammern nicht mehr? Die waren super geeignet, um Filter zu trainieren.

Watchlist Notification: Die 7 Burgentour – Pfälzer Wald/Nordvogesen (GCJC83) has a new Write note log from geovi

New Traditional Cache: wer suchet der findet! (GC59FXY), 4.6mi S (7.3km S)

Was haltet Ihr vom neuen Design?

Ich bin mal gespannt, wann ich mich daran gewöhnt habe 😉

Update 25.7.14
Das ging jetzt aber schnell – Groundspeak scheint wieder auf die alten Betreffzeilen umgestellt zu haben. Klasse!!

Souvenir, Souvenir…

Hach, wenn ich es mir so recht überlege… könnte der August 2013 einer der ganz wenigen Monate in meiner Cacherkarriere werden, in denen ich GAR KEINEN Fund logge…


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