I am so excited to finally have this new track published! It was a long journey, to get it finished.
Based on an initial jam with a Volca Drum, a Volca Bass, a Behringer TD-3 (which I call my „Acid Flute“) and two multieffect devices (Zoom MS-70 for Volca Bass and TC Electronic Skysurfer Reverb for TD-3), I was quite content with a rather minimal / reduced, strong acid character. Initially…
It seems, I cannot stay minimal. Once I worked on the parts in Ableton Live, I started enhancing. Some arpeggios were added by VST synths, all tracks got multiple effect additions.
Still not being really convinced, it took me quite a while to find the missing parts: One day I heard my daughter talk to her friend about some dresses – they were really excited about the „knallgelbe, neongelbe“ dress they talked about (that’s yellow, neon-yellow). Sampling this, I found the missing part for the track. The vocal sample got heavily processed, some parts stretched, some with a delay or gated, nearly everything added with Valhalla Shimmer reverb goodness and finally this added the missing spice to the track.
I am proud of this piece of music and hope, you like it, too!
You may find the track on many digital music platforms, if you like to give it a try. Perhaps, it makes you dancing, too! 😉
Apple Music