Meanders – New Album

In the beginning, there was light. In the end, darkness is relief.

Follow the repetition, the ever-evolving and changing rhythmical and musical patterns. They take the listener on a ride down the spiral to the core. And up again. Following the meander.

The album will be released on November, 5th, 2020.

Pre-listening is possible on my Bandcamp-site.

Afraid Of Sunlight – Electribe 2s Live Jam

„Leaving his hideout, he pushes away the demons that had threatened him for the last hours. His love for darkness accompanies his deep rejection for any of those light-addicted beings.
He is a creature of the night. Afraid of Sunlight.“

This track belongs to a cycle of live jams I created recently. Hope it helps you get in some October – Halloween mood. 😉

The jam has been played and recorded live on a Korg Electribe 2s on September, 28th 2020.

„Together“ – Minimal Deep House Live Jam

Currently being totally inspired by minimal techno stuff, I created a rather reduced audio track which develops into a quite danceable deep house tune in the end. The track has been created and performed live on a Korg Electribe 2s, with some EQ’ing and compression from Ableton Live 10.

No cuts have been applied, so please excuse me, that I have been carried away by the flow of music and created a 16+ minutes track… 😉

Acid Flute Knallgelb

I am so excited to finally have this new track published! It was a long journey, to get it finished.

Based on an initial jam with a Volca Drum, a Volca Bass, a Behringer TD-3 (which I call my „Acid Flute“) and two multieffect devices (Zoom MS-70 for Volca Bass and TC Electronic Skysurfer Reverb for TD-3), I was quite content with a rather minimal / reduced, strong acid character. Initially…

It seems, I cannot stay minimal. Once I worked on the parts in Ableton Live, I started enhancing. Some arpeggios were added by VST synths, all tracks got multiple effect additions.

Still not being really convinced, it took me quite a while to find the missing parts: One day I heard my daughter talk to her friend about some dresses – they were really excited about the „knallgelbe, neongelbe“ dress they talked about (that’s yellow, neon-yellow). Sampling this, I found the missing part for the track. The vocal sample got heavily processed, some parts stretched, some with a delay or gated, nearly everything added with Valhalla Shimmer reverb goodness and finally this added the missing spice to the track.

I am proud of this piece of music and hope, you like it, too!

You may find the track on many digital music platforms, if you like to give it a try. Perhaps, it makes you dancing, too! 😉



Apple Music


New release: Body Control

It felt so necessary to create some heartwarming and body-moving music and have an emotional escape.

Well, here it is, my version of an uptempo-hysteria-house track.

The lyrics sample is a stumbled up version of me stating „They got my body under control, but not my mind and not my soul“.

The song was recorded in a live-session in one take. You can find the making-of-video in an earlier blog post.

I hope, you enjoy the track and have a good dance party with it. 😉

Find this track on all major streaming platform, including:




Apple Music




Google Play

Body Control – Techno House Live Jam

Currently I am working on a track called „Body Control“. Initially, I planned to create some dark techno style, minimal music with fierce acidy arpeggios. Well, the outcome was quite different, again, the patterns morphed to become a techno house track with some trancy elements. Ok, accepted, that’s nice, too.

In this jam, I played the different patterns and transitions live on my Electribe 2s as well as on the Korg Volca Bass.

Hope, you like the track.

Stay Together – new track released

In my latest post, I posted a video of a melo-technoid-wave jam I recently played. As I am quite proud of the melodic progression and the sound design of the track and of the transitions played in live, I decided to release this exact take.

The song was written and performed live solely on my Korg electribe 2s, using some samples I created with elf-audio’s brilliant Koala Sampler app. It was recorded live as a one-take in Ableton Live 10 via a Zoom R16 in audio-interface-mode. In Ableton, some EQing and compression was applied for final mastering, no effects, no cuts, no additional programming.

You may find the track on all major streaming platforms, find some links below.

Stay Safe – Stay Together!

Stay Together



Apple Music


Google Play


Isolation Files #001 / Contagious

We are going through crazy times, currently. I am very sorry, about what’s going on in the world around us. About people getting severely sick, about people dying. And I am worrying about the outcome of this situation, how will it affect our daily lives? Will society remain as it is? What will change?

Creating music is one of my ways to cope with this situation. So I started with the idea of lush, melody driven song that provides some good vibes, see my jam in the last post. The feedback I received from you pointed to giving it a bit more beat. Well, this reminded me of the fun I had in the early 90ies with my trusty Casio FZ-1 in breaking the beats. Ok, challenge accepted, I thought and worked a bit on this track.

The track ended up as an industrial style Drum and Bass beast in the middle, showing the chaos that surrounds us all, currently. And it creates an outlook on good times in the end.

I created it on my Korg electribe 2s and played it live into Ableton Live 10, where I added some mastering and two effect transitions.

Hope, you like it 😉

Please find some links here of my music on major streaming platforms.






Apple Music / iTunes:

Google Play Music: