Interview with netvio about the Meanders album

Today, my album Meanders has been released on all major digital platforms. I am very proud about it, so I was feeling more than honoured, when @netvio approached me for a quick interview on the making of the album. Here is the full interview for you:

It started out in July / August, when I was totally inspired by minimal techno and deep house stuff, especially by @59perlen’s Blackbox EP. I felt that it was both quite a challenge and an opportunity to be restricted to only one machine and to have just a few patterns prepared and evolve and play the songs live. So I chose my Korg Electribe 2s and started.

With „Together“ being the first track, I quite managed to stay in the genre, I got addicted to. It starts minimal and develops into a deep house tune. This changed with the next song „Crawling Backwards“: During my rehearsals, it evolved into something musically different, as I started playing melodies and enhanced the patterns massively on the fly while playing. Working on this track and reflecting it made me see someone repeatedly taking the same path, back and forth, just like the path in a meander. This was, when the album got it’s name.

Although not being minimal anymore, „Crawling Backwards“ became the most danceable track in the album. The next piece that I created, „Afraid of Sunlight“, didn’t take care of genres anymore. I played the E2s and simply let it happen. 😉
Playing the album to @kayemmes, he suggested to create a remix of „Afraid of Sunlight“, which is the bonus track of the album, now. I love his take of the song.

The album „Meanders“ wants the listeners to follow the repetition, the ever-evolving and changing rhythmical and musical patterns. They take them on a ride down the spiral to the core. And up again. Following the meander.

Thanks to the Netvio-team for this chance to present my musical work! They are providing continued awesome support to artists, I can highly recommend checking them out!

If you like to listen to my music, please check me out on Spotify or Bandcamp.

Meanders – New Album

In the beginning, there was light. In the end, darkness is relief.

Follow the repetition, the ever-evolving and changing rhythmical and musical patterns. They take the listener on a ride down the spiral to the core. And up again. Following the meander.

The album will be released on November, 5th, 2020.

Pre-listening is possible on my Bandcamp-site.

Afraid Of Sunlight – Electribe 2s Live Jam

„Leaving his hideout, he pushes away the demons that had threatened him for the last hours. His love for darkness accompanies his deep rejection for any of those light-addicted beings.
He is a creature of the night. Afraid of Sunlight.“

This track belongs to a cycle of live jams I created recently. Hope it helps you get in some October – Halloween mood. 😉

The jam has been played and recorded live on a Korg Electribe 2s on September, 28th 2020.

„Together“ – Minimal Deep House Live Jam

Currently being totally inspired by minimal techno stuff, I created a rather reduced audio track which develops into a quite danceable deep house tune in the end. The track has been created and performed live on a Korg Electribe 2s, with some EQ’ing and compression from Ableton Live 10.

No cuts have been applied, so please excuse me, that I have been carried away by the flow of music and created a 16+ minutes track… 😉

Acid Flute Knallgelb

I am so excited to finally have this new track published! It was a long journey, to get it finished.

Based on an initial jam with a Volca Drum, a Volca Bass, a Behringer TD-3 (which I call my „Acid Flute“) and two multieffect devices (Zoom MS-70 for Volca Bass and TC Electronic Skysurfer Reverb for TD-3), I was quite content with a rather minimal / reduced, strong acid character. Initially…

It seems, I cannot stay minimal. Once I worked on the parts in Ableton Live, I started enhancing. Some arpeggios were added by VST synths, all tracks got multiple effect additions.

Still not being really convinced, it took me quite a while to find the missing parts: One day I heard my daughter talk to her friend about some dresses – they were really excited about the „knallgelbe, neongelbe“ dress they talked about (that’s yellow, neon-yellow). Sampling this, I found the missing part for the track. The vocal sample got heavily processed, some parts stretched, some with a delay or gated, nearly everything added with Valhalla Shimmer reverb goodness and finally this added the missing spice to the track.

I am proud of this piece of music and hope, you like it, too!

You may find the track on many digital music platforms, if you like to give it a try. Perhaps, it makes you dancing, too! 😉



Apple Music


Two track „We Stumble EP“ has been released

Digging deeper, this time. The multiple times restructured, mutated and re-compiled voice sample builds a strong and intimate basis for the post-acid, psychedelic musical outburst.

The lyrics evolve by reusing single words and rearranging them to give the original statement new and different meaning:

They were told that it wouldn’t hurt, I proved them wrong.
I told them, they wouldn’t hurt.
They told them, I wouldn’t hurt.
They told them, I wouldn’t hurt. They were wrong.
I told them, they were wrong.
They told them wrong.
I proved them, they were wrong.
I proved them wrong.

I hurt.
I hurt them.
I hurt them.
I hurt them.

They were wrong.

You can find this two track EP with the post-acid, progressive-house Original Mix and the vocals focussed Wrong Edit on all major streaming and music download platforms and on my Bandcamp site. Here are some links, I will update them as the release is published on different services.




  1. We Stumble  –
  2. We Stumble (Wrong Edit) –



Apple Music / iTunes:

Google Play Music:



Ausflug zum Bodensee

In den Herbstferien waren wir ein paar Tage am Bodensee unterwegs. Ausgehend von Überlingen besuchten wir auch Konstanz und Lindau, unten ein paar Impressionen.

Im Herbst ist die Region definitiv einen Besuch wert!

P.S.: Absoluter Café-Tipp für Lindau: 37 Grad, aktueller auf Facebook.

Veröffentlicht am
Kategorisiert in Allgemein, Fotos

Jahresauftaktwanderung rund um die Neunkirchner Höhe

„Wir müssen mal wieder raus an die Luft!“, so der Konsens zwischen Namibhunter und mir am 1.1.16. Gesagt, getan, kurz die Kalendarien verglichen und den 6.1.16 festgemacht.

Das Ziel war dann auch recht schnell ausgemacht, wir wollten mal wieder eine kleine Runde auf der Neunkirchner Höhe im Odenwald drehen und dabei natürlich auch noch den einen oder anderen Geocache einsammeln. Gestartet wurde in Neunkirchen, einer kleinen Odenwald-Gemeinde, ca. 20 Minuten von Darmstadt und Bensheim entfernt. Sie liegt sehr exponiert am Rande des Waldes der Neunkirchner Höhe und bietet bei guter Sicht einen tollen Weitblick bis in den Taunus. Früher gab es in Neunkirchen eine Skipiste, doch seit einigen Jahren ist der Lift außer Betrieb.

Von unserem Parkplatz am Friedhof aus starteten wir in Richtung der Radaranlagen. Auf der Neunkirchner Höhe stehen mehrere Anlagen der Deutschen Flugsicherung, die der Kontrolle und Steuerung des Flugverkehrs rund um den Frankfurter Flughafen dienen. Diese wurden besichtigt, ebenso wie die Gersprenzquelle. Nächste Anlaufstelle war der Kaiserturm auf dem Gipfel der Höhe. Dieser Anfang 1900 gebaute Aussichtsturm wird am Wochenende und an Feiertagen bewirtschaftet und ist eine beliebte Anlaufstelle für Wanderer und Mountainbiker.

Weiter ging es in Richtung der Wildweibchensteine, sowie zur Burgruine Rodenstein. Um diese Orten ranken sich eine Vielzahl Sagen, der wilde Rodensteiner muss hier in Saus und Braus gelebt haben. Die Ruine lässt die Pracht des alten Sitzes erahnen und ist definitiv einen Besuch wert.

Den Rückweg legten wir über Laudenau zurück, auf dem Weg dorthin bestaunten wir noch einen schönen Wasserfall. Der weitere Weg nach Neunkirchen führte uns noch an einige schöne Aussichtspunkte.

Zurück in Neunkirchen besuchten wir zum Abschluss das „Heilige Wasser“, einen Brunnen, dessen Wasser Heilkräfte zugesprochen wurden und der früher ein beliebtes Pilgerziel war.

Die ca. 16 km lange Wanderung mit gut 400 Höhenmetern hat Spaß gemacht und ist auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert! Einige Tradis, der Radiosites-Multi und der Mysterie-Cache am Rodenstein konnten sehr gut gefunden werden und rundeten unsere Tour ab.

Karte (Quelle: Openstreetmap)

Bilder (c) helixrider

Höhenprofil Track Neunkirchner Höhe
Höhenprofil Track Neunkirchner Höhe

Ausblick auf Laudenau
Ausblick auf Laudenau

Wasserfall im Odenwald
Wasserfall im Odenwald

Burgruine Rodenstein
Burgruine Rodenstein

Burgruine Rodenstein
Burgruine Rodenstein

Eine Eule? ;-)
Eine Eule? 😉

Burgruine Rodenstein
Burgruine Rodenstein

Auf den Wildweibchensteinen... ;-)
Auf den Wildweibchensteinen… 😉

Pilzbefall am Baumstumpf
Pilzbefall am Baumstumpf

Radaranlage Neunkirchner Höhe
Radaranlage Neunkirchner Höhe

Nach der Tagung…

…passt eine kleine Tagesauslaufrunde eigentlich immer 😉

Was für eine herrliche Aussicht von der Burg Tannenberg!

